Why is it seen as bad to help animals in nature in areas where we share space?

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Many people say it’s bad to interfere with nature whether helping animals in distress or feeding them because they will end up depending on humans. If we share the space and humans will be around animals, why is it seen as bad? Over time would it be possible to more than coexist with animals?

In: Biology

7 Answers

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Lots of reasons, but here are the most important:

1. We don’t know how to feed other animals a safe, healthy diet. They will accept food from us that is harmful to them, and that’s not good

2. They will feel more relaxed around humans generally if a few friendly ones help them. This is dangerous because not all humans are friendly — some of us are very cruel, and wild animals can’t tell which of us will feed them yummy snacks and which of us will try to hurt them. If they never get friendly with any us, they’ll never get too close to a dangerous human

3. Humans and other animals work differently. We might do something and think it will make another animal happy, when really, it makes them scared. When they’re scared, they fight, so we get hurt. Usually, when they fight, we fight back, so they get hurt too.

4. Many wild animal species carry germs that cause really awful diseases. Fortunately, many of these germs only infect those wild animals and don’t infect us. However, the more contact we have with these wild animals, the higher the chances of some of these diseases developing the ability to infect humans. That would be really bad. In addition, many germs that can infect us already, like rabies, are carried by wild animals too. Infected animals don’t necessarily show symptoms, so we can’t tell whether or not it’s actually safe to have contact with them. Another disease to be worried about is lyme, which is actually carried by tics that infest many wild animals.

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