Why is it so difficult to act like you are yawning?


I can tell if someone is actually yawning or they are acting out a yawn, i tried to act like i am yawning but it always seems fake and is difficult. Why?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ok so I just tried this. I know my lip twitches when I’m actually yawning but I noticed it doesn’t when I fake it, so maybe the genuineness of the whole thing is purely muscular?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mostly because yawning is involuntary and the face is so complex. There are 42 different muscles in the face, you use 11 to yawn, controlled by 6 of the 12 cranial nerves. Not all of these muscles are easy to engage on purpose, in the “correct” sequence. Kind of like how it’s hard to fake a smile convincingly without a lot of practice. Most people forget then eyes are involved in a genuine smile.