Why is it so easy for us to concentrate for hours on movies, video games, etc but so hard to maintain our attention span for minutes on academic activities?


Why is it so easy for us to concentrate for hours on movies, video games, etc but so hard to maintain our attention span for minutes on academic activities?

In: Biology

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Concentration is always easier when you are interested in the topic. It’s scientifically proven that you will read faster when you are interested in the subject that you are reading about compared to something you’re not.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We pick the video games and movies we pay attention to. As for studies, even if it’s something we enjoy, if it’s taught in a way that is uninteresting, or not how you learn. It’s a wash.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’d bet, in addition to the other answers here, there’s a metabolic aspect too. The brain using calories as glucose, and actively listening and focusing on learning probably takes more mental effort than more passively watching a movie. And there’s only so much glucose the brain can store/make. So you run out of calories faster, fatigue hormones build up, you feel tired. Although, this is probably a more Minor aspect.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are plenty of movies and video games that couldn’t hold my interest for 10 mins, you are comparing something you are forced to do (studying a specific topic) with something you pick to do (playing a video game you enjoy)

Anonymous 0 Comments

I once went to a lecture on studying where the lecturer said that if we do things that our brain doesn’t like it will activate the flight response. The brain will keep throwing random thoughts around until it finds something that distracts you and you “flee” the thing you were doing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We have deadlines, forced timelines, stress, lack of choice, and more very unflexible factors going into this.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because of the dopamine nowadays. We make so much dopamine with videogames, social media etc. That the ‘harder’ tasks become even harder, because of the lack of dopamine.

If you want to improve, I would say look up ‘dopamine detox’ and it could be something for you.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Movies, games etc provide an instant dopomine release, which encourages you to continue (instant gratification). When studying you dont get the dopamine release until a lot longer, when you ace a test or feel proud of yourself for studying all day.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because it’s voluntary (genuine) interest vs forced interest. You can pursue an educational interest with just as much fervor if it’s something that genuinely interests you. Something you’re truly curious about.

But also because movies/video games/books are often specifically designed to engross us, where as normal activities in life are not.

Anonymous 0 Comments
