Why is it so easy to ‘cheat yourself’?


Why is it so easy to say something like ‘just one more video’s and get away with yourself watching 5 more, or simply not studying for close exams?

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m not like insanely smart or anything, but I’m assuming because an entertaining video sets off the happy receptors in our brain and that makes us want to continue doing that thing, even if it means putting off something important that is boring. When our brains get bored it gets agitated and we don’t like being bored as human beings. Entertaining and fun things = happy stimulated brain. Boring studying activities = bored agitated brain.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because the heart wants what it wants and it’s not always what you need. Also, any social media sites have been designed to train our brains to addictively contribute and consume it’s content.