Why is it so hard for countries to give up on trivial land claims ?


Why risk wars or economic embargos on almost worthless lands or uninhabited islands.
Wouldn’t be better to give up claims and start a good relations that could benefit both countries ?

In: Other

6 Answers

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To use a real world example Argentina has claimed that the Falkland Islands belong to them for decades, escalating to invading the islands in the 80’s resulting in the Falkland’s war.

The islands were initially uninhabited and today maintains a British colony of roughly 4000 people. Very few if any Argentinians live on the island.

To the Argentinians owning the islands is a point of pride, they saw the British colony on the island as an invading force and decried the continued British presence on the islands.

The Islands however don’t have much value aside from the territorial claim. The actual reason for the Argentinian claim and continued saber rattling over them is likely a political ploy by the ruling military government to distract the population away from ongoing internal civil problems.

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