: Why is it so hard for video game to create a truly realistic human skin?


In this nextgen graphic, many thing are made to look so real. The clothing that look like it was made out of real clothes. The Car that look shiny and reflective to light like an actual metal.

But when it come to human skin it look more like…plastic? a really beautiful and smooth plastic, yes, but it still lack the feel of flesh and blood that true human being would have. especially, their face.

So, can someone explain why we still can’t make realistic skin while everything else was already so realistically beautiful?

In: 7

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s still limitations on computing power. We can make insanely realistic stuff if we had all the time in the world to render it frame by frame until it’s done. A console or home computer lacks both the power and the time. 60 frames per second is the standard now, hyper realistic renderings can take several seconds up to several minutes or more *per frame* which would make the game unplayable.

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