Why is it so hard to counterfeit currency?


It is seen quite often that counterfeiters get caught. Apart from the serial numbers what is it that the counterfeiters cannot reproduce about a bill?

In: Other

6 Answers

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Currency is equipped with various anti-counterfeiting devices that are hard to duplicate.

The paper + ink used is unique to that currency and is designed so that it can’t be easily obtained by civilians. The paper is a blend of paper and fabric to make more durable and harder to duplicate.

Currency also has holograms, special reflective inks, special plastic threads woven into the fabric, and uses intricate designs that are designed to defeat photocopiers and scanners.

US currency is difficult to counterfeit but relatively easy to counterfeit compared to the currency used by the likes of Europe, Australia, and Canada.

Other countries have switched to using plastic bills with holograms and transparent parts that are much more difficult to counterfeit than the traditional paper money the US uses.

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