Why is it so much easier to fall asleep on the couch unintentionally than in bed intentionally?


Why is it so much easier to fall asleep on the couch unintentionally than in bed intentionally?

In: Other

33 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Two reasons

1. You associate the bed with insomnia and stress which is not with the couch
2. The more you try to sleep, the longer it’ll take

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the end, the reason why you fall asleep on the couch **or** on the bed is because you are mentally or physically exhausted.


When you attempting to sleep, your mind usually drifts into thoughts of your days, embarrassments, achievements, etc.

On the other hand, when you unintentionally fall asleep on the couch, you tend to forget that you are exhausted and let your body do its thing into slowly falling asleep. You don’t force it, and your mind is generally too lazy to think of thoughts.

Also a shower thought for you (lol)… To be able to sleep, you need to pretend like you are sleeping.

Cheers, and I hope you sleep!

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the bed you are _trying_ so you _have the possibility of failing_ and then count that as a fail. On the couch you _are never trying_ so you have zero failures.

So…it’s _not_ easier you just never fail on the couch because you are never actually trying.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you’re on the couch and unintentionally fall asleep, would it not be because you’re exhausted. Where as intentionally falling asleep in bed is often (for me) when I SHOULD sleep but can’t because my mind is racing…

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because you “accidentally” fell asleep on the couch and laid there unconscious for 3 hours before going to bed

Anonymous 0 Comments

Usually when the term ‘on the couch’ is used it implies that we’re watching tv. I read that the radiation given off by the tv can actually put one to sleep.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A bit off topic, but I think it may be useful for some to hear this. I suffered insomnia my whole life. Nothing too serious, but where it would sometimes take hours to fall asleep, but I could never ever just go down like other. Eventually I got a job that I woke up within an hour of my normal time every day and I never slept better. 10 minutes of rolling around is far more normal.

Now, I’m furloughed and wakeup between 9 and 10 but I will often roll around for hours. So, don’t underestimate the effect of going to bed and waking up at the same time every day.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You are counting/doing things the wrong way.

Think of how many times you’ve sat down without falling asleep. You have a larger success rate of falling asleep in bed than you do on the couch.

Now add in how you sleep on the couch because exhaustion has caught up with you, and you still refused to go to bed.

Finally, consider how sleeping for a few hours in the afternoon will make you less tired at bedtime. Thereby perpetuating the problem.

Now remember to keep checking your phone in bed, you only have 4hr & 36mins before the alarm goes off.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because it’s just so easy to fall asleep when you’re on the couch because your SO picks the movie or TV show.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Probably because, on the couch, we aren’t trying too hard to fall asleep and it’s very organic, very natural whereas on the bed, when we want to sleep, we try to make an effort and end up failing.

Btw, this has really got me thinking. I end up doing this way too often. Falling asleep on the couch and staying up on the bed like a zombie🙈