Why is it so noisy walking around in old houses?


Not all, but most old houses I’ve been in required me to practically tiptoe all the time because anything more would sound like I’m stomping, and rattle everything around. Does it have to do with the way houses used to be built?

Edit for clarification: I don’t mean creaking. I’m more referring to how walking even slightly heavily will make your steps sound loud and booming

In: 15

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically the floor is made of wood nailed to wood. Wood dries out, expands in humidity, contracts as it dries, warps over time. Nails rust, bend or deform over time. The house itself could be shifted or misshapen, causing floorboards to be pushed against each other in different ways.

Put it all together and you have a bunch of creaky wood noises as you walk around.

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