Why is it so noisy walking around in old houses?


Not all, but most old houses I’ve been in required me to practically tiptoe all the time because anything more would sound like I’m stomping, and rattle everything around. Does it have to do with the way houses used to be built?

Edit for clarification: I don’t mean creaking. I’m more referring to how walking even slightly heavily will make your steps sound loud and booming

In: 15

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yeah many builders used lumber that’s closer to a 2×6 than a 2×10 or a 2×12 to build their floor joists. Especially when you get to really old buildings. I recently did a repair in a building from 1920 where large parts of the floor mostly had 2x4s as joists, some of them doubled up. Modern buildings from the 80s onwards usually have at least 2×8, more commonly 2×10 or engineered pressboard. Also joist hangers help hold things together over time.

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