Why is it so satisfying to sneeze, to the point where if you don’t when you felt like you were about to it’s seen as an annoyance?


Why is it so satisfying to sneeze, to the point where if you don’t when you felt like you were about to it’s seen as an annoyance?

In: Biology

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

> More than any other natural function, a sneeze approximates
an orgasm. It brings with it release, at least temporary

> To sneeze is to scratch an itch… The release accorded by a sneeze goes far beyond the area most obviously affected, i.e., the nose. Like an orgasm, it is profound in its totality.

— [Anton LaVey]

Personally I have to agree with him on this. The build up and release of a sneeze is orgasmic. That’s where the annoyance comes from, you are not getting the release.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most bodily functions have a “satisfying” effect when they’re completed successfully, and a discomfort if they aren’t. In the case of sneezing it’s really noticeable because there’s a big buildup (ah ah ah as you’re breathing in) and a big “payoff” that happens over a short amount of time – you could compare it to an orgasm in that way. Plus, it’s pretty common for a sneeze to be interrupted. Imagine if you tried to swallow and your body began the process but didn’t finish it? It’d be pretty uncomfortable/unsatisfying, but it hardly ever happens.

Edit: wow thanks for the award and all the comments everyone! I don’t think I can answer all these, but I’m glad to see my explanation got some discussion started 😅 edit again: I thought you were supposed to thank people for awards to be POLITE haha my bad

Anonymous 0 Comments

The weirder question to me is why sometimes your body gets it wrong. YOU HAVE TO SNEEZE!!! … Oh, wait. Never mind.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The desire to sneeze builds tension. The sneeze releases the tension and the contrast feels good.

It doesn’t feel good if you are sneezing 100 times a day.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why is it so satisfying to cum, to the point where if you don’t when you felt like you were about to it’s seen as an annoyance?

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you ever feel a sneeze coming on, and it feels like it’s not gonna come-think a sexy thought.

In my personal experience, sexy thoughts when I am on the cusp of sneezing almost *always* brings it on. Also when I do that, my sneezes are almost as satisfying as an orgasm. No joke.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Every action that involves getting waste out of our body is satisfying: pooping, peeing, picking boogers, picking ears. That’s our DNA rewarding us to get rid of the body waste.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The sneezing “trigger” and the orgasm one are next to each other in the brain. Try to sneeze when you are about to climax, fkn amazing.

As for the annoying feeling if you dont sneeze, perhaps the anticipation buildup for you needs to be released. Does not having an orgasm have this same effect i wonder… pulling a ruberband taught but not firing it

Anonymous 0 Comments

To come at it from a very very different angle…when you are about to sneeze, the world vanishes, your sense of who you are vanishes and only the sneezing remains. It is a pure experience. We crave pure experiences as human beings. Losing ourselves in music, a beautiful sunset, a partner’s kiss. When these moments happen, we are free of suffering and we touch the pure place within where all is joy and bliss 🙂