Why is it that if we wet our fingers before putting out a candle, we don’t get burned, but if we grab a hot pan out of the oven with a wet oven mitt, we get burned?


Why is it that if we wet our fingers before putting out a candle, we don’t get burned, but if we grab a hot pan out of the oven with a wet oven mitt, we get burned?

In: Physics

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you take an iron pan out of the oven and throw water on it, it will immediately will turn to steam. FWOSSH! The same thing happens when you put a damp mitt on it. The water in contact with the metal will turn to steam very quickly and hit your fingers super hot. It depends on the ratio of the metal type, how hot it is and how much water the mitt is holding. If you have a lot of water and low heat, you are fine as the water can take it without turning too hot or even flash into steam. But if you have lots of heat and low water, the water will be “overwhelmed” and burn you.

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