Why is it that it takes few seconds for our body to decide that it’s had enough water not to be thirsty, but several minutes to recognize that no more food is needed cuz it’s not hungry?


Why is it that it takes few seconds for our body to decide that it’s had enough water not to be thirsty, but several minutes to recognize that no more food is needed cuz it’s not hungry?

In: Biology

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not true.

Have you never taken a bite of food and then though, “OK that’s it I’m full”? That’s it, it happens instantly.

I think the confusing factor is that water isn’t “delicious” while food can be, also water doesn’t come in portions while food does, and so we can easily decide to eat more food because it’s yummy or because it’s on the plate, so we wind up eating more than we needed to feel full.

And I think a lot of people have learned to just completely ignore their internal feeling of fullness, because their parents insisted “finish your plate!” or that last chicken wing just looks really good or whatever.

But if you pay attention, your body tells you *exactly* when you’re full, to the bite, at the moment. Just like water.

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