Why is it that men are in charge of the majority of businesses and countries?


What is it biologically or psychologically about human males that resulted in most cultures across the world being male dominated?

In: Biology

10 Answers

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(This is generalization but we’ll recognized by intellectually honest people in the field and we’re talking about general men and women not specific people)

Men are predisposed to:

1. Focus on things. Ie build things that help millions of people at a time.
2. Build and manage systems (this is similar to #1).
3. Prioritize work. Ie because historically men have been the protectors, if they take time off, the wolf eats your kid and your genetics don’t continue. Thus men focus on doing jobs and will sacrifice family time to protect and provide for the family.
4. Men are less agreeable. And there is a direct inverse correlation between how agreeable you are and how successful you’ll be. Men will say no and demand more than women in general and that is reflected in outcomes.
5. Men have vastly more variability in IQ. That is, men on average are about the same intelligence as women but they’re distributed across the bell curve more widely. There are vastly more ultra intelligent men as a percentage of the population as women. But there are also vastly more incredibly stupid men and those with autism etc. it balances itself out in Aggregate but the edges define the extreme success of CEOs etc. and the number of extraordinary men versus women their will be. (No one is exactly sure as to why this distribution is the way it is)

Women are predisposed to:

1. Focus on people not things. This isn’t worse, it’s different. But the side effect of that choice is that it doesn’t scale and thus is less profitable.
2. Because women focus on people they also focus on relationships not systems. This means that their skills don’t scale to managing thousands of people but makes them excellent middle management directly working with people. But the side effect is they’re not running Fortune 500 companies as a result and thus don’t get paid or recognized the same because their impact is less.
3. Women choose family over work. As an example, in Sweden, the most egalitarian society in the world, women actually chose to stay at home and care for children MORE as the society empowered them to make work decisions more proving that it isn’t a social construct, it’s a choice women make. Further, because of this, the average woman works 8.7 hours a week less than men in the US. That lower number of hours directly affects the amount of work product and productivity per dollar meaning men get promoted because they do more work for every dollar paid to them.

4. Women choose to have children and biology requires that they’re the primary care giver. In the US, women before they have children actually make more than men on average. It’s only after having children and losing the 4ish months and shortening hours that they start making less which is directly related to experience and #3.
5. Women don’t fight for raises and in general avoid conflict which means that as a side effect women are less likely to fix a problem they see especially if the established way has special interests that want to keep it that way. Virtually all mega success and this opportunity to become CEOs of big companies comes from identifying entrenched special interests and disrupting that by fighting against the special interests and beating them with a better idea. (Think Uber and SpaceX) That requires massive conflict. Women avoid conflict.
6. As a total there are vastly fewer women with an IQ over 140 than men. After 130 the gap starts growing and he far end is almost entirely dominated by men. IQ directly correlates to success and income. (The inverse is also true. There are vastly more homeless men and men with IQs so low even the military won’t take them because it costs more than they get from them even as a grunt on the front lines)

Also note that the above ENTIRELY explains the supposed wage gap which is “take all females and multiply by their IRS reporting and do the same for men”. It doesn’t account for choices nor fields and when you do, all other things being equal (experience, job position, hours worked, etc) women make slightly more than men. And worse, when they break things down by job, it isn’t broken down by actual job. The government decides equivalent jobs. Ie they consider a secretary and a carpenter to be the same even though the carpenter’s job is vastly more physically demanding and dangerous and in MUCH higher demand. Same for loggers.

The above of course is pretty obviously tied to genetics and genetic transmission success. A man following the general choices above WITH a woman following the general choices above sets up a highly successful unit that ensures the best chance for children to succeed. You also see this in the success sequence for children to adults for this very reason. Sadly we ignore this and then try and blame everyone else for our choices. Do these 5 things in this order and you have a 74% chance of success reaching the middle class regardless of race, sex or gender:

1. Graduate high school (see my list above and you’ll see obviously why both in control and because of genetics)
2. Get a job.
3. Get married. (This both sets up the tandem for success and significantly increases combined income while cutting overhead thus allowing you to afford the rest)
4. Don’t be convicted of a felony. Jail kills earning potential more than anything else.
5. Have kids.

And if your spouse does the same you as a unit have a 94% chance regardless of race, sex or gender or teaching the middle class in the US.

And more than any other criteria for boys especially but also girls, having an intact family with a father in the house determines success and the likelihood of being able to follow the success sequence. I’ll leave it to you to look up the statistics on broken homes by various demographics.

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