Why is it that mobile phones these days promises to charge your phone up to 80 % in like half and hour.. but it takes another 20 minutes to charge to 100%? Why can’t it just go all the way?


Same with electric cars… I always see “fast charge you car up to 80 percent or so in X amount of time but the rest is not fast?

In: Engineering

8 Answers

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Think of it this way, when it’s at 0% there’s full of empty seat for the electricity to be in but when it reaches 80% they would have to go out their way to find those empty seats.

Or a slightly disgusting analogy, after you take a dump, your first wipe would clean up most of the mess but the subsequent wipes would clean up lesser and lesser until your final wipe where its barely anything but it gets you to a 100% clean bum

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