Why is it that the brain can generate music with extremely high clarity but not as much with smells and tastes?


Why is it that the brain can generate music with extremely high clarity but not as much with smells and tastes?

In: Biology

10 Answers

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There’s no one way people’s brains conceptualise information like that, I for one can generate sounds and smells and tastes with equal clarity and quite strongly too, but I struggle with visual images in my head, it feels disconnected and foggy at best. Using an example of a fallen apple next to a tree, I can make out the outlines of objects, think of each component as a concept (the grass, the tree, the apple) or I can visualise things like individual textures, but not any of this combined. When it comes to audio I can hear it as clear as if I just played it back, with whole songs playing through if I want to. I can replicate tastes and textures of specific dishes I had over a decade ago, like how a specific curry tasted and felt like when I was visiting Indonesia in 2008, as if I was eating it right now.
Edit: got age and year mixed up in my head

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