Why is it that when electronic devices malfunction, turning them off then on works so frequently?


E.g computers, Wi-Fi routers, tvs, consoles. All these items malfunction every once in while and all I do is turn them off then on again to get them working again. Why?

In: Technology

28 Answers

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2 main reasons, usually either some code had bugged up and is running endlessly incapable of achieving its goal and just wasting resources, or a memory problem. Your memory/RAM holds onto files that the program expects it may need to access soon so it can load it faster than loading from your hard drive. Once youre done with some data in ram, you have to clear it to make room for more. Sometimes programs fail to clear your RAM, so it fills up to the brim and slows everything down as your computer now functionally has no RAM and has to get all data straight from the hard drive. RAM isnt able to hold any data without power though, so by turning it off you completely clear out every bit of data that was clogging it.

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