Why is it that when my wifi is interrupted and then comes back on, the webpage I’m on just stalls until being refreshed instead of coming back online?


Why is it that when my wifi is interrupted and then comes back on, the webpage I’m on just stalls until being refreshed instead of coming back online?

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most web sites work on a “request/response” basis, so you ask for a thing, they send it to you… Then they wait until you ask for something else…

When you’re on a site like Facebook, or Twitter and it’s updating feeds in real time, this is usually done with a thing called web hook/web socket, which is a long lasting request where they can respond multiple times as new content is available.

I’m both cases, the request is sent from your computer over a connection that originated at your browser, and if it is interrupted, needs to be re-established. Some browsers are smart and they detect the interruption and reload for you, but not all, and not in every case.

Of course the web site knows of they had a web hook and it disappeared, but they can’t re-establish the connection, because the way our routers work, they wouldn’t let the connection through without a matching request from your PC going out through the router

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