why is it that when you look closely at two finger touching eachtoher, it just blends into eachother?


why is it that when you look closely at two finger touching eachtoher, it just blends into eachother?

In: Physics

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This is a property of poor optical focus. If something is perfectly focused it means a lens is able to separate light coming in from even slightly different paths and align them to fall on different parts of a detector such as our retina. But if the lens is imperfect there will be some ambiguity, some overlap in light that falls on the same part of the detector but might have come from different directions.

From the perspective of the detector this looks like a blurry image, where light coming from an object seems to come from places where it is not. With two objects almost touching this can mean that light from one appears to be where the other is, and vice versa, meaning they seem to blend together.