Why is it that when you run your finger through candle flame, you rarely feel the heat, but just a second of flame from petroleum gas can burn you good?


Why is it that when you run your finger through candle flame, you rarely feel the heat, but just a second of flame from petroleum gas can burn you good?

In: 8

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You know when you have steam in the bathroom after a shower? And then when making pasta there is steam coming out of the pot? While both of these look the same, one is actually much hotter than the other and could burn you. You can feel the heat from both situations but one is much much hotter.

This is similar to the fire. Even though they’re both hot and fires, due to the different sources they’re actually different temperatures and one is much much hotter.

NOTES: I know bath room “steam” and steam from a boiling pot are different, but they look the same. When you’re 5 you don’t know the difference, so it makes a good analogy.
Also it’s hard to explain fuel source combustion temperatures to a 5 year old since they shouldn’t have much experience with burning different things.

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