Why is it, that you can eat a 2,000 calorie meal, and in theory, you shouldn’t need calories again until the next day, but you can be hungry again 6-8 hours after you finish eating? Is your body just not capable of actually processing that many calories?


I think the title kind of says it all, but I watched a video of someone eating a 2.1k calorie burger, and his friend said, good now you won’t need to eat for 24 hours and they laughed, then I thought, ” wait why is it that you would be hungry again after 6-8 or so hours, is our body that inefficient with those calories? Does this mean that when you eat over a certain limit of calories you body just puts the rest into waste and some into fat? How does it work?

Update: Wow thanks for all the upvotes, awards, and comments. I really appreciate all the new information and help on this topic.

In: Biology

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

r/omad (which apparently is now private, sorry) stands for One Meal A Day, and there are decent numbers of people that eat this way.

It just takes some getting used to for your body to adjust its eating and hunger cycle. It does actually work fairly quickly.

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