Why is it the calorie count of food, and not the mass, that determines weight gain?


Why is it the calorie count of food, and not the mass, that determines weight gain?

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23 Answers

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Because they are the largest part of the mass we consume and our bodies don’t regulate.

The parts of food we can’t use generally get sent through your whole digestive system and out the back door, as it were. We only care about the part of the food our bodies actually absorb.

The mass of these parts we can use is primarily dominated not by calories, but by water! However, the body regulates how much water it has. This means eating too many things that are high in water will just have you drink less or pee more rather than gaining weight (short term water-weight gain/loss is definitely a thing, of course, but that’s not really what the question is asking about).

After water, the next largest mass in food is your macro nutrients – your fats and carbs and proteins. These are the things your body stores away if you consume them in excess (or in protein’s case turn into muscle), which means unlike water, they *do* have a lasting effect on your weight.

The next largest mass in food is micro nutrients. These are your vitamins and minerals, and they are quite a bit smaller in mass than macro nutrients. In addition, much like water, the body will attempt to regulate these by expelling them if you have too much. This means that they are not a big source of weight gain.

There are smaller still categories of things in your food, but none of them have a big effect on your weight – you just don’t eat enough of them to offset how much calories weigh.

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