why is it when a screens loading does the loading bar stop and start at certain times? I.e. a lot of times it will take a second at the beginning and then load the rest really fast.


why is it when a screens loading does the loading bar stop and start at certain times? I.e. a lot of times it will take a second at the beginning and then load the rest really fast.

In: Technology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most of the time a programmer won’t know ahead of time how long something is going to take so the progress bar shows how many individual tasks have been completed in the loading process rather than how much time it has taken so far. Some tasks take longer to do than others so the progress bar jumps forward as each task is completed and stops whenever a task takes a really long time to complete.

If the first task takes a long time and the rest can be done really quickly then you will see the behavior you describe in your question.

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