Why is it when Chinese words are spelling with Roman letters they are spelled like that?


In many languages that don’t use the latin alphabet (a, b, c, ect…) words are often written romanized so people not familiar with that script can understand. For example, in Japanese with word for thank you is ありがとう. It is romanized like arigato and pronouned ah-ree-gag-toh. However in Chinese, the word for that you is 谢谢 and is romanized as Xie Xie. It’s pronouned Shay-Shay. Another example is the word that’s romanized as Qing is pronounced “Shing”. Why is this? Why isn’t 谢谢 romanized as Shay Shay. Why isn’t Qing written as Shing?

In: Culture

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Cause there wasn’t one person that made up the systems. Some systems were made by Brits. Others by Dutch. Others by Portuguese etc etc. These systems were created decades or hundred years apart.

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