Why is Jeff Bezos such a successful business owner


I should have clarified, what about his personality makes him a successful business owner

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

He supplied the world with a business model that the people are willing to pay for. Some may say that it was because of capitalism that Amazon is a success.

Anonymous 0 Comments

He turned an online bookstore into a powerhouse selling anything and everything. He has smart people working for him.

Anonymous 0 Comments

He saw an opportunity to take advantage of online shopping and picked verticals that were profitable to ship — book, music, etc. As he learned more about shopping and logistics he moved into other categories. He also realized that the logistics and technology he developed from his business could be sold to other businesses, too.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Everything already mentioned plus he takes advantage of third world workers and those of the working class who get paid the bare minimum for 40+ hour weeks just like every other business mogul. Amazon Prime is amazing though, his best brainchild yet.