Why is microSD cards affordable and have high capacity of upto 1 TB and very small compared to SSD and HDD?


Why is microSD cards affordable and have high capacity of upto 1 TB and very small compared to SSD and HDD?

In: Technology

6 Answers

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Because they have very limited write life (you can only save so much to them before they stop working).

A just-released microSD from Western Digital, specifically for always-on writing (e.g. CCTV recorder, etc.) has a stated life of 2 years of constant operation.

SSDs suffer the same problem, but WAY past that. For instance, I have a 1Tb one that’s 5 years old and reading only having used 1% of its write life.

HDD don’t suffer the same problem, but they suffer others instead, which means that SSD and HDD are now on a par with each other in terms of longevity.

This is why microSD are relatively cheap.

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