Why is nutrition such a difficult topic to research?


There is a massive amount of conflicting research/information on nutrition out there. Eggs are great for us, eggs are clogging our arteries, eating carbs is good and gives us energy, carbs make us lethargic and fat. As someone who, after years of treating their body like crap, wants to make an effort and eat things that are good for me, it seems impossible because at this point I feel like whatever arbitrary statement about food you take (like, eating 1/2 green apple increases your metabolism but only on Tuesdays and Fridays), you will find some type of research “confirming” it. Why is it so hard to have concrete research/evidence of what is good for our bodies and what isn’t, at least generally? Isn’t it science? How are we supposed to know what to eat??

In: Biology

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The industries lobby because money, and the human body is so fucking weird and confusing.

Part of the problem is money corrupts everything, part of why we have the modern American diet and the infamous “food pyramid” was because of lobbying.

The other part is the human body, such a complicated little thing, you can treat people the exact same and something like a food allergy could ruin the research study. Maybe a genetic deficiency that was passed down so the body can’t break up this specific component when you eat these foods. Your body seems to act weird when you don’t have enough of this nutrient or vitamin.

I had a coworker find out his body was being dumb from a lack of caffeine, he uses that to justify his daily monster, but that’s beside the point.

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