Why is placing a black bar only over someone’s eyes considered adequate enough to not be able to identify them?


Why is placing a black bar only over someone’s eyes considered adequate enough to not be able to identify them?

In: 9149

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Where’s that picture of Zooey Deschenel with brown eyes?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically that’s sunglasses for pictures.

There are some people who might not recognize the person with sunglasses, but that’s not the point. They are really used to check you out without you knowing they check you out.

So beware of pictures with black rectangles over eyes. They might stare at your butt.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well can you recognize [this](https://lumiere-a.akamaihd.net/v1/images/open-uri20150422-20810-1uc5daw_96b0b8de_f68eb8aa.jpeg?region=0,0,600,600) guy? I thought not.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nobody would argue that a black bar prevents people from being identified as effectively as covering the whole face.

Sure, it works surprisingly well, as other comments have mentioned.

But think about the context where you see eye-bar censorship. It’s newspaper photos.

A newspaper wants the most salacious possible photo that still technically “obscures the ID of the person” by legal requirement.

The newspaper COULD fully cover the face of the person, but that would remove emotion and scandal from the photo.

So, in the same way that “tape over the nipples is technically not nudity,” a black bar over the eyes is technically censorship but as little as they can get away with.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bit of a guess here, but probably if you know the person we’ll enough to identify their mouth or hair, you probably already know the story and would figure out by that anyways?

I think if you don’t expect it to be anyone you know, the eyes, nose and ears which are usually covered by that bar cover enough to make it difficult.

Like think if you could spot your own mom in a line up of women her age.

Now think if you could spot a kid that you met once at a party, that you don’t even know is in the line up.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Reverse UNO card:

Notice how easily we’re recognizing people we know wearing masks during COVID where we only really see their eyes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I can’t recognize anyone with a hat and sunglasses and I have worked at bars with regulars for forever. I recognize people by their walk

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

So Batman and Superman’s disguises do work?