Why is reading books viewed as such a good thing? I see new-resolutions all the time with books in mind.


I would understand if it were books that were educational, however I often see fiction refered. What makes reading so good?

In: Biology

6 Answers

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Reading is an active process. The reader is assessing characters, setting, foreshadowing, tone, making predictions and judgments, remembering past events, and taking into account the voice of the author – all the while applying their own opinions (and maybe evening changing some).

Reading is therapeutic and good for mental health. Fiction is compelling because it explores real-life emotions and scenarios. Perhaps a complicated situation relating to family, fear, health, or friendship is presented thoughtfully and articulately for the first time to a reader. That reader now has a better tool for understanding a complicated issue, dealing with it, and taking comfort in the fact that somebody else (the author or the author’s source) understands what they’re going through.

Reading is fulfilling and satisfying – especially as one grows as a reader and tackles more difficult texts. The sense of digesting and completing a complicated book that challenged your beliefs and taught you something new, and doing so under your own free will and interest, is a great feeling.

Practically, it makes you a much better speaker and writer. Check out any annual/monthly reading list you can find by a respected author. You’ll soon see that they’re such good writers/storytellers because they consume a huge amount and a huge variety of books (both fiction and non-fiction)

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