Why is running 2 straight miles considered more healthy than running one mile twice with a break in between?


You’re still running the same amount of miles

In: 37

6 Answers

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It’s not considered healthier, technically.

Assuming the same pace on both runs, you’re still burning a similar number of calories and you’re still getting cardiovascular benefit, just with two recovery periods. Running it at once is more time efficient in this case, but not necessarily healthier.

Where you could really improve on the two bouts vs single bout is that you can ramp up the intensity on the two single bouts, which would ultimately have a greater outcome as those bouts add up. But the argument also remains that steady state (single bout) may be better for endurance.

It really comes does to your goals. If you’re wanting to build endurance, mix the two. If you’re wanting to increase glycolytic capacity, focus on enhancing intensity. If you’re wanting to cut fat, go lift weights and do a single bout after.

It’s not necessarily “healthier”, it’s just another set of tools in your fit kit.

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