why is science so political? And why does it make you seem left leaning to other people when you don’t deny scientific discoveries?


why is science so political? And why does it make you seem left leaning to other people when you don’t deny scientific discoveries?

In: Culture

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

“A man with one watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure.”

There are so many facts and studies out there, you can say whatever you want and find some data to back it up. And that’s not a left/right divide; on a given issue, both sides have evidence that is compelling to their supporters. The only question is what *you* believe in, and thus which ‘numbers’ you end up following.

As a ‘light’ example, the current ‘controversy’ over US Women’s Soccer. One side can *accurately* site that they are paid less than the Men’s soccer team in *absolute* terms, and draw a set of conclusions from that. The other side can just as accurately point out that the women’s team is being paid a higher *percentage* of the revenue their respective teams bring in, and draw a different set of conclusions from that.

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