Why is sunlight warmer than light from bulbs?


I get that the sun is huge energy source, but it is so far, and the light from bulbs is just as bright as the sun

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10 Answers

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Sunlight is wayyyy brighter than the light from bulbs, your eyes just mask it

If something on a light meter measures 10x brighter you’re only going to perceive it as being about 3x brighter.

We measure brightness of a space in Lux where higher is brighter. A normal room might be lit to 100 lux while a bright office might be 500 lux. An overcast day is 1000 and a clear day is closer to 10,000 lux with direct sunlight being up to 100,000 lux.

So the reason sunlight is so much warmer than light from bulbs is because direct sunlight is about 1000x more intense than standard room lighting

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