Why is swallowing food an essential part of the “experience”?


When I was younger my brother came up with a plan for how we could eat as much candy as we wanted without actually consuming all the sugar it containes. We would simply chew the candy, giving us the taste and feel, and then spit it out instead of swallowing it.

This did not work as intended. It was, in fact, worse than not having any candy at all. The urge to swallow is incredibly strong and the feeling of dissatisfaction once you spit it out is overwhelming.

To this day I get uncomfortable thinking about it.

What gives?

In: 3

4 Answers

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You don’t eat food for the taste. You eat food because it’s necessary for survival. It’s like asking why watch a movie when you could just watch the trailer? You’re not getting anything close to the full experience.

Food is full of things we need, and just swilling it around your mouth isn’t going to keep you alive.

And in general, our bodies are set-up to encourage things which keep us alive. Eating, sleeping, making babies. They all feel good, because they’re good for us.

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