Why is Temple OS’s encoded 3D rendered graphics impressive on a technical level?


In this video Linus demos Temple OS

At the [7 minute mark](https://youtu.be/LtlyeDAJR7A?t=424) it is explained that the graphics are in text mode. Is this impressive?

In the comments section someone writes

>People who play one of Terry’s games: “Ehh…”

>People who find out he made the OS it runs on: “Very impressive.”

>People who find out that his animated, 3D games are literally a Textfile: HOLY SHIT

And if you read the replies, there’s an argument about whether this is impressive or not. Is it impressive? why or why not?

In: Technology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can do analogous things in LaTeX without too much difficulty. It certainly wasn’t a novel idea in 2005 to have a text document format with inline images. It’s a neat design choice for this to be part of the core OS, and his format seems to have good support for animations, but yeah, the people getting excited are just not that aware of what file formats are and what relation they have to technical difficulty.

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