Why is the brain able to remember functioning vital tasks such as breathing or pumping blood when he is so drunk he cannot even walk straight?


Why is the brain able to remember functioning vital tasks such as breathing or pumping blood when he is so drunk he cannot even walk straight?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The part of the brain that controls those functions (the medulla) isn’t the same part that controls balance (the cerebellum) or movement (the frontal lobe). Alcohol affects all areas of the brain, however the severity of those effects on your different brain lobes are brought on at different blood alcohol levels. So, even when the part of your brain that controls your motion, speech, etc., is thoroughly sauced the other parts of your brain continue to function although not at 100% performance. Speaking of sauce, [here](https://www.pugetsound.edu/student-life/counseling-health-and-wellness/training-prevention/substance-abuse-prevention/alcohol-you/alcohols-effect-on-your-brain/) is where I got that answer from.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Walking is a conscious action. Breathing and heart activity are subconscious. They happen automatically, even in your sleep or if you’re knocked unconscious. Alcohol primarily messes with your conscious activity (unless you REALLY overdo it)

Anonymous 0 Comments

You have 2 brains.

One handles actions that require complexity; math, speech, future planning.

The other handles the things that keep you alive, like breathing, and heart rate.

Central nervous system vs peripheral nervous system.
One of the reasons you can’t walk straight isn’t because the second brain isn’t functioning, it’s due to hardening of fluid in your ear that disrupt balance. So you don’t lose your ability to walk, you lose your ability to balance. If you close your eyes and stand perfectly still, you can feel the wobble. Your ears act as balance weights to help you determine if you’re tilted.

Your heart has a fail-safe system (sinoatrial nodes, think pacemaker) that keeps it pumping and can operate independently of everything else. So that even when you’re blackout drunk and dying of alcohol poisoning, it can keep pumping.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Its very hard to suppress autonomic functions like breathing and your heart pumping. But alcohol can prevent you from waking up if you have a problem breathing. Which is why you should always make sure a person unconscious from alcohol or other drugs is on their side or stomach. Autonomic functions can force a cough or gasps to clear minor breathing problems, but that doesn’t help if gravity is keeping that obstruction in your throat.