Why is the Chinese market so important to these large companies other than it being a lot of people?


I understand the Chinese market is HUGE but I don’t understand why companies like say blizzard feel as though they NEED China’s market. Does the rest of the worlds investments not make them enough to continue? Same with the NBA? Maybe a dumb question.

In: Economics

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your competition is going to try to penetrate the Chinese market, and if they do and you don’t, you’ll very quickly find yourself outspent, out invested, out resourced, etc. Your competition will have access to revenues and profit you don’t and will use that money to hire people you want to hire, attract customers you want to attract, buy advertising you want to buy, etc. and they can afford to bid more than you (since they have more money). Over time, you get smaller and smaller and they get bigger and bigger.

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