why is the day divided into 24 hours, and we tell that time in 2 increments of 12? have there been other time-telling systems and history, and if so why didn’t they catch on?


why is the day divided into 24 hours, and we tell that time in 2 increments of 12? have there been other time-telling systems and history, and if so why didn’t they catch on?

In: Culture

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sun dials. They only work for half the day, and so watches naturally follow the sundial and have a 12hr face. As others have said, blame the Egyptions for 24 hrs. 24 is a highly composite number very useful for easily dividing up into workable chucks. 1/2, 1/3,1/4,1/6,1/8,1/12 are all possible with whole numbers. They thought it was pratical.

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