why is the history of the world/civilization studied using BC/AD?


why is the history of the world/civilization studied using BC/AD?

In: Other

9 Answers

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The history of the world **isn’t** studied using BC/AD. It’s studied using whatever techniques are available and appropriate for the respective field. Eg. Geologists will determine dates based on radiometric dating, which give an approximate age of materials and not a calendar date. Historians will study events and civilisations based on whatever time keeping method was used in the records that they have, that could be the Gregorian calendar that we use today, or the Julian, Mayan, Egyptian, Chinese or any one of dozens of different calendars used throughout history.

Any dates that are ascertained from that work is later converted to the Gregorian calendar so it’s in a standard format that reduces confusion. And in many cases BCE/CE are used instead of BC/AD to maintain secularity.

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