Why is the human body not sensitive to radio waves?


Why are humans not able to see,feel or hear radio waves? We are sensitive to the rest of the waves in the EM spectrum. If EM waves are composed of oscillating magnetic and electric fields, why am I not electrocuted by the electric constituent of the Radio waves?

In: Physics

8 Answers

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The same reason ALL animals are not sensitive to them.

No animal is affected by radio waves, or uses them. Bats and dolphins etc. can use ultrasonic but those are miles away and totally different from what you know as radio waves.

There’s no animal that’s picking up AM radio. The construction of organic matter means that it isn’t sensitive to it, so it doesn’t even get utilised in the smallest way (unlike even magnetism from the Earth which is used by homing pigeons), even when the animal has no sight, hearing, etc.

It just doesn’t affect biological matter, because of the wavelengths involved. Where it *can* affect biological matter, you are sensitive to it – infrared as heat, colour as sight, etc.

It’s also *such* low power that even if there were a sensitivity, it would have to be extreme, or the powers necessary to make you notice it would fry you.

It’s one of the reasons that the whole “mobile phone is frying your brain” thing is largely nonsense.

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