Why is the number range 0-255 common in many computer files?


Why is the number range 0-255 common in many computer files?

In: Technology

6 Answers

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Normal numbers that we use every day is Base 10. That is, there are ten numbers. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.

When you run out of numbers (i.e. you get to 9) you add a 1 to the left, and carry on. 10,11, 12…

When you run out of numbers again, you change the first number to a 2.

Binary (Base 2) works exactly the same way, but you only have two numbers, 0 and 1.

So you can count to 1 before you run out of numbers. Then you have to add one to the left. It works the same as that all the way along.

0 = 0

1 = 1

10 = 2

11 = 3

100 = 4

101 = 5

110 = 6

111 = 7

and so on.

A single binary digit is called (a contraction of **b**inary dig**it** really) a ‘bit’. A lot of computers for a lot of the history of personal computing use 8 bits to store a character. Using the system of binary counting above, the highest number you can store in eight bits is 255.

00000000 = 0

11111111 = 255

That’s why it comes up a lot.

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