Why is the resting heart rate for athletes lower than the average?


Why is the resting heart rate for athletes lower than the average?

In: Biology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

At a basic level, the heart is a blood pump. How much it pumps per minute (technical term – Cardiac Output) is a function of two values – heart rate (beats per minute) and how much is pumped per beat (technical term – Stroke Volume).

When the heart is in excellent shape the amount pumped per beat (Stroke Volume) is increased. As such, the heart rate can be lower and deliver the same amount of blood to your body. When your heart isn’t in excellent shape the amount pumped per beat goes down so your heart rate has to go up to deliver the same amount of blood to your body.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You know how when you do a lot of pushups your arms get stronger and it takes a lot less effort to do one pushup? It is similar for the heart, the muscle is much more efficient, it doesn’t take as many beats to service the body’s oxygen needs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Since the heart has been pushed to keep up with rigorous physical activity it becomes stronger. So while resting it can pump more blood per beat because of its increased strength from the body working out. Which results in the heart needing to beat less to match the bodies need for blood.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Heart rate is all about your body distributing oxygen. Athletes have a much more efficient system due to elevated red blood cell count (and other factors i am sure), in order to power the higher demand for oxygen while they are competing, so while at rest when their body doesn’t need more than a typical person their heart doesn’t have to work as hard.