Why is the skin on your face prone to blackheads and pimples so much more than the rest of your body?


Why is the skin on your face prone to blackheads and pimples so much more than the rest of your body?


7 Answers

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Human skin has pores that connect to oil glands under the skin. Follicles connect the glands to the pores. Follicles are small sacs that produce and secrete liquid.

The glands produce an oily liquid called sebum. Sebum carries dead skin cells through the follicles to the surface of the skin. A small hair grows through the follicle out of the skin.

Pimples grow when these follicles get blocked, and oil builds up under the skin.

It is unclear what role diet plays in worsening acne. Scientists have found that people who consume a diet that offers a good supply of vitamins A and E and of zinc may have a lower risk of severe acne. One review describes the link between acne and diet as “controversial,” but suggests that a diet with a low glycemic load may help.

These are the top 10 pimple treatments in the market right now: https://top10express.com/top-10-pimple-treatments-that-work-like-magic/

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