Why is the Southern Sea so rough?


By southern sea, I mean all the sea between Antarctica and Africa/S America/Australia. The pacific ocean is equally vast but yet it’s milder. I was looking at global winds on a website and almost the entire Southern Sea perpetually faces 60+ kmph winds. There are even 3000+ km long stretches of continuous 80 kmph winds. Why?

In: 1893

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

> There are even 3000+ km long stretches of continuous 80 kmph winds. Why?

You mean the Roaring Forties? They’re one of the world’s prevailing winds which are caused by a combination of temperature differences between the tropics and the poles, and the Coriolis effect (caused by the earth’s rotation). Some latitudes have westerly winds and others have easterlies. There are differences between surface winds and the winds at altitude too.

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