why is the west (europe, america) so quiet about the protests in Hong Kong?


The Protests in Hong Kong at the moment have gained enormeous traction, but no authorities in the west seemed to have commented, why is that?

In: Culture

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine if the UK commented and took a side in the Ferguson riots, the US took a side in the Anti-Brexit protests in London, Russia came out against the confirmation of Kavanagh to the Supreme Court, or Canada commented on the Yellow Vest protests. Although this is a major protest, it’s a protest against the government making a law that may deteriorate peoples’ rights. From a liberal democratic perspective, it might seem bad, but there are countless countries around the world where governments are doing far worse. Regardless of who is right and wrong, it’s never a good idea for foreign powers to take a side on the internal affairs of another country. These are sovereign nations and countries try to avoid meddling in each others’ affairs because they don’t want other countries meddling in theirs, unless there is a *blatant* human rights issue going on. Even wrt to China, this protest is small beans compared to Xinjiang and Tibet. If a western power is going to confront China on one issue, why would a protest in Hong Kong be at the top of the list?

Not to say that western powers *won’t* comment on issues like these, but you have to consider the geopolitical implications. For example, NATO countries would have reason to comment on the affairs of other NATO countries if it involves the military, for example.

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