Why is there a seperation between the body and the mind such that we are incapable of controlling all bodily functions manually (such as digestion)?


Why is there a seperation between the body and the mind such that we are incapable of controlling all bodily functions manually (such as digestion)?

In: Biology

5 Answers

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Imagine if we could control everything at once. Imagine all that effort would take our entire focus and attention. Have you considered that when you focus on breathing, it is harder to breathe naturally. Imagine that with heart beats, organ control, gland control, and brian functioning. Mercifully, we don’t control everything. Also, there is a phenomenon where your body will tune out sound or feelings. Such as you can’t feel the chair you are sitting in after awhile. Your brain knows you don’t need this information. You brain is good at only bringing attention the most important conscious functions.

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