Why is there no “center of the universe”?


So I’ve been going through the dangerous rabbit hole of wondering how everything came to be and, obviously, the leading theory is the big bang theory. Where an infinitely dense spot of matter exploded and created every single thing in existence, including the ever-expanding universe. So, if the ever-expanding universe started expanding from an infinitely dense spot that exploded, wouldn’t that spot be the “center of the universe”, since it’s the starting point of said expansion?

In: 7

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is no centre. Everywhere in the universe has the same claim to the original spot of the big bang because it is space itself that was created. The universe isn’t expanding into anything so there isn’t an ‘edge’ that is further away from the ‘middle’.

Earth is the centre of the observable universe, but there is no single point which everything expands away from.

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