– Why is there so much variability in international shipping times? Some things can arrive in a few days, other can take up to 8 weeks. These are consumer products shipping from a warehouse? Not made to order items.


– Why is there so much variability in international shipping times? Some things can arrive in a few days, other can take up to 8 weeks. These are consumer products shipping from a warehouse? Not made to order items.

In: Other

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most things come from China.

Now there’s really two ways to get it from China to say California.

1) Put it on a boat

2) Put it in a plane.

Cargo ships also will not bring empty cargo containers. So they will wait to have enough non-essential cargo before leaving. Also, transpacific shipping isn’t as predictable and there can be delays.

Planes are very predictable (you only have so much fuel, you need to land at some point) but there is a premium for each lb of parcel because weight = fuel.

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