– Why is Venus’ atmospheric pressure so dense?


I understand why it’s so hot, but I can’t wrap my head around its atmospheric density. 90x the pressure on earth. it’s roughly the same size, and in the same general neighborhood. what causes the crushing pressure?

In: Physics

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The higher pressure is due to the atmosphere and what it’s made of.

Earth’s atmosphere is mainly oxygen and nitrogen both have a certain weight due to earth’s gravity.

Venus gravity is lower than earth’s. 8,87m/s vs 9,81m/s.

But Venus’ atmosphere is 96% carbondioxide. This is much heavier than 21% oxygen and 79% nitrogen. Thus the pressure is higher.

If we keep pumping carbondioxide into the atmosphere we are basically Terra forming, turning earth into Venus. But this would take millions of years but it possible.

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