Why is video so prevalent in social media nowadays? Often information has to be condensed to fit the time allowed and it makes it more difficult to follow rather than text


Why is video so prevalent in social media nowadays? Often information has to be condensed to fit the time allowed and it makes it more difficult to follow rather than text

In: 3363

75 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I hate this.

If I just want the steps to do something in photoshop for example, and I have to go through 3 minutes of ads, an absurdly long intro, and some corny jokes before they y get to the actual information, which might not be the information that you’re looking for! and you have to do it all over again with the next video!

That could’ve been easier with a page of text.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Video grabs our attention more than other media, because it stimulates our brain more. You skim over text, but a picture, and especially a moving picture grabs your focus. It’s probably an evolutionary thing that makes it hard to ignore.

And because of that reason video gets more likes / views / whatever metric than just text, audio or photos. And because it gets the most internet points, it’s what people who want internet points will use.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I hate this.

If I just want the steps to do something in photoshop for example, and I have to go through 3 minutes of ads, an absurdly long intro, and some corny jokes before they y get to the actual information, which might not be the information that you’re looking for! and you have to do it all over again with the next video!

That could’ve been easier with a page of text.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because content goes where the money is. Video monetization far outpaces a single website w ads.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because people with no original thoughts but good video production skills can summarize and monetize the work of others.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because content goes where the money is. Video monetization far outpaces a single website w ads.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because people with no original thoughts but good video production skills can summarize and monetize the work of others.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because content goes where the money is. Video monetization far outpaces a single website w ads.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because people with no original thoughts but good video production skills can summarize and monetize the work of others.

Anonymous 0 Comments

People have lost a lot of their ability to focus. They read the title and assume they understand what is going on and move on. You can capture many more people via short videos than long text format, or short text format.

I used to be able to read full articles, a lot of them. I noticed that my attention span only allows me to read and read a fraction of what I used to be able to.