Why is wet bulb temperature important? How does it effect us?


Edit: Thank you all for the detailed answers! You guys are awesome.

In: 2953

28 Answers

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Note that Turnip’s temperatures are in C, not F. The explanation of WB is alps not fully correct. WB is the temperature that a wetted surface will reach from evaporative cooling in a constant breeze. This is the apparent temperature to your skin.

The temperature at which air is fully saturated is the dew point temperature. When air is cooled below the dew point condensation occurs. When the dew point is low then the wet bulb temperature will also be low. If the weather person says the dew point is 55 F, and the forecast low is 50 F you can be assured that there will be dew on the grass in the morning.

There are mathematical relationships that link WB, dew point, and relative humidity. Search up a Psychrometric Chart and you can see curves that allow you to read off all of these values if you know any two of them.

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